Sunday, December 5, 2010

December 5, 2010....Sunday

I cannot believe how long its been since the last time I made a Blog entry. So here goes.

Things are moving right alone here at the McAdams household. We are preparing for our annual Christmas Open house which will be next Saturday the 11th of December. Looking both forward and dreading it, which I think is pretty natural. But, I know it will all be fine.

Last Sunday Weight Watchers unveiled its new program. To me it makes more sense than anything they have done in a long time. Its how we should have been eating all alone, as one of my dear friends pointed out. Some people are taking to it fine, there are some still over thinking it, but I think if those ones trying to over think it will just sit back, read the material they will catch on.

The difference in the new program is now we take carbs into the mix and drop the calories. Now we figure our points by counting protein grams, carb grams, fat grams and fiber grams, with no cap on the fiber anymore. Oh a biggie as well...fruit is free as long as it fresh fruit. Some canned fruit only if its packed in its own juice or water.

I think if people just give it a chance they will like it.

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