Thursday, June 17, 2010


I was with some of my WW girlfriends yesterday afternoon, and two things always come up when we are, and what finally got our minds set to get us to our goal weight.

Everyone had a different answer to the question ''what got you motivated." But it really all boils down to pure DETERMINATION. Yes, it is that simple, we each wanted to get to our goal, more than we wanted that extra serving of whatever.

I have gotten to my goal I set for WW, but I still have a personal goal I want to get to, I tell myself I want to get to that personal goal, but I have not found the DETERMINATION just yet. It will come, and while I wait, I will continue to stay within my goal weight....actually a few pounds below my goal weight.

1 comment:

  1. Determination is so important. Having the willpower to continue a diet and weight loss plan is crucial! Great job! Here are some great tips on how to keep your optimism because I know it can be tough.
