Sunday, April 25, 2010


There are days I just get so tired of all the complaining and excuses, and then I realize, that some people are just made that way. They seem to never see their own potential or worth, and no matter how much talking a person does, until the person doing the complaining and giving you the excuses nothing will change until that person is ready to make the change themselves.

So many times I hear, ''I can't" before the project is even started. To me that is giving up before you know if its something you can do or not. Its like weight loss, so many times the towel is thrown in just because someone had hit a plateau or had a bad day of eating. Instead of just working through the plateau, or saying, ''fine had a bad day, but tomorrow is a new day" they had rather stop and just wallow in the little pity party they are now throwing.

My question. Is this just people that don't know how to be happy, or is this people who chose to always look on the doom and gloom side of life?"
Just pondering that question today.

1 comment:

  1. I think people just don't know how to choose to be happy. There's always a choice. I used to be the excuse girl until this last week - but even that took me making a choice - instead of just wanting things to happen for free.
