Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Can you eat pizza on a fat loss program? Sure. Can you drink? Sure. Can you lie on the couch instead of working out? Sure. Your choice, your consequences. Remember this..."Bear in mind the single universal law of causality... there will be consequences from your actions, and you must be prepared to accept them."

When the above was given to me it really hit me and hard. Not that I did not already know there are consequences for our actions whether it is with our food choices or something else, but just seeing it in print made me stop and think.


  1. Thanks for sharing. I've been longing for pizza lately. But I know one piece wouldn't be enough so I go pizza-less. Yes, there are alternatives - the English muffing-type thingie - but if I can't have the real thing, why bother? I opt for sticking to my eating plan, dreaming about pizza and getting to my goal. I envy the dieters who eat pizza and still lose weight!

  2. What we eat today - moulds our bodies of tomorrow!

    I eat one slice of pizza now where as years ago I would eat the whole thing. Moderation is the key.

