The Future will depend on what we do in the PRESENT.
Good Morning W.W.F.F.,
What does your future look like? What are you doing right now to have the outcome that you want for the FUTURE?
Just a couple of things to think about today. For me my weight loss journey has been like building a house, first you have to dig a foundation. My foundation was joining you all at Weight Watchers, then we have to do some framing, and I would say for me, the framing came about from watching others becoming Lifetime Members. Now to put up the framing we have to have some nails, and I'm thinking those nails have got to be the pounds I lost each week. Now, we all know a good carpenter from time to time will hit his or her thumb with the hammer, so those were the times I was not working the program, but doing it ''Joan's way". I had a lot of thumb smashing going on there.
Oh almost forgot we need some flooring.......hum, flooring??? Oh yeah, flooring=support=MY THIRD ROW, and the 34 people that I send a GET UP AND GET GOING e-mail to each morning before the birds are even up.
As you can see I would not make much of a house builder, BUT, I do know what it takes to build a house, and I know what it takes to be at my goal in the future. I have heard from time to time people say, ''I have given myself ''X'' amount of time to lose this weight. Let me jump right in here and say this, ''you are setting yourself up for major disappointment". No time limit, No expiration dates. The other thing I have to come to terms with is that I'm never going to be cured from my wanting to overeat, eat the wrong things in excess. So I think when we hit lifetime and are on maintenance, that is the same thing as when you have to take care of your home. Whether it is dusting, vacuuming, washing those windows, whatever it is you do to maintain your homes life, its the same with your weight loss life. There are things we HAVE to do each day. Tracking, Activity, measuring, and being honest with ourselves.
How is your house building going? Do you need to dig that foundation a bit deeper? Do you need to add some more 2x4's for the framing? How about a few extra nails? How is that floor you put in working out? Is it getting smoother as you go alone, or does it have a lot of dips and valley's in it?
Almost forgot two very important things about this house, and that is the roof and windows. Cannot have a house of mine built without a roof to keep me dry from the storms that will come alone with this house building. My roof has been getting my head removed from my butt, and stopping with the excuses. My roof has been getting up and going to the gym on many mornings when I sure wanted to just stay home.
My windows, have to be there for me to see just how far I've come, and to watch for anyone that maybe struggling, so I can open the door and say, ''welcome, its going to be hard, BUT, you can do it".
Wishing Everyone a great day, and a great day for building,
Joan 3rd. Row
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