Good Morning SISTER W.W.F.F.,
I was actually able to wake up a bit earlier this morning, so I'm really hoping by Monday I'll be up and ready to hit the gym again. Now just because I have not been to the gym in the past two weeks does not mean I have not gotten in lots of activity.
I ran across the above quote the other day and thought, ''you know I may need to save that one". Today is the day we use it.
With your weight loss journey what are your expectations? Since I only know about my own expectations that is the only ones I can share with you this morning. I never expected to be successful doing Weight Watchers, or for that matter any program for losing weight. I still have those times I don't feel like I am a success, especially all those times when the trigger foods won out.
I think one of the reason I never felt like I could succeed was due to I did not have any EXPECTATIONS of succeeding. My Mother, (No not going to be a Mother bashing day) never gave me the encouragement, other people may have, but the one person I feel that could of helped me more, had no faith in my ability for losing weight and keeping it off.
I was putting too much into what My Mother, thought and expected from me, than what I should have been expecting from myself. This for me is a key reason I find that our meetings are so very important. I expect a lot from my fellow Weight Watcher Sisters, and therefore I expect the same from myself.
Sure, we are going to stumble from time to time. In fact we can, do and will fall off the sensible eating wagon, get run over, wrapped around the wheels and at times be rolled over many times before we are able to get back in the drivers seat again. As a group we are really strong, sometimes on our own we feel as if we have been left by the roadside. The being left by the roadside times are the times we all need to pull together and hold one another up, and for me this is what our Saturday morning meeting, and these daily e-mails are all about.
Yesterday may not have been the greatest day for some, today is a new day, and don't fall into the trap of, ''Well, why should I care, tomorrow is weigh-in day, and I'm screwed up already". TODAY, is the day to set your HIGH EXPECTATIONS for yourself.
Wishing Everyone of my Sister's a wonderful day,
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