Wednesday, May 6, 2009

How is your garden growing??

Until you commit your goals to paper, you have intentions that are seeds without soil.
Good Morning W.W.F.F.,
I want to begin with wishing our Cara a wonderful trip, she and her husband are leaving this morning for Florida. Have a wonderful time, and a safe trip.
Just a gently reminder, only cause you may have missed this the other times, but we will not be meeting up at Thomas Jefferson Church on Saturday. I strongly suggest you find a meeting at some point this week.
Today I want to talk about commitment. The commitment we made ourselves the day we walked into our Weight Watcher meeting. For most of us, there was an event coming up that we wanted to lose a few pounds, maybe someone said something that finally made us take that long hard look at ourselves. The day we walked into TJ, was the day we made a commitment to ourselves to give it our best. So have you don't this? Are you giving it your best right now?
Two questions, and the last question especially may need to be asked of ourselves on a daily basis.
Remember your first week at W.W., we were so on fire, writing down stuff, dusting off the measuring cups that were only used if we were making a cake, getting out that scale to weigh your hamburger patty, or the slices of turkey that you made your sandwich with. Oh and how about counting out those 15 reduced fat potato chips? You all with me here, right? Well, that was what Toni calls the Honeymoon stage.
So is your Honeymoon over? Maybe you need to go back and think of why we began this journey in the first place. Maybe we need to re-commit ourselves to a more healthy lifestyle. We all know what we need to do, we just need to put those seeds into some nice rich dirt and then watch us grow.
Have a wonderful day.
Joan 3rd. Row

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