Saturday, November 14, 2009

11-14-09.........Saturday after Weight Watchers

"Tradition is a guideline, not a jailer''

How did having a winning outcome help you over the last week? If you all read my Wednesday morning e-mail you know I was not having a ''winning outcome''. Good news is, pulled up the ''big girl thong'' and got to the gym, got on track, and tracked my food and came in this morning up just by .2 pounds. So I figure I am getting a second chance at this, and I will be taking advantage of that.
How can the ask for help habit help over the holiday season? To be very honest, the only food pusher I deal with is me, myself and I. I can talk myself into just about anything. I am a sampler as I cook so when its mealtime, everyone thinks, ''Joan is being so health conscious". Yeah, and I have some ocean front property in Arizona to sell as well.
Now with that being said, trust me I do know there are some real food pushers out there. Best thing to do is just say thank you, and walk away for throw it away. Maybe not a good idea to throw it away in front of the pusher.
We need a plan, it's not just the holidays, as you all know there is something happening in our lives every single week of the year. Some of those weeks just happen to come with a big bright red bow.
Our Action Step for this week:
How can we take advantage of movement moments, over the holiday season? Parking further away in the parking lot, grab 10 minutes at a time, to get in some exercise. If your watching TV, do deep knee bends during one commercial, then wall push ups for another commercial. Be creative.
This week, make a promise to yourself to get in 30 minutes of activity, during these next few weeks, 3 times per day.
A little reminder we will not be meeting at the church on December 5th, due to their Christmas thing. So Cara has been kind enough to offer us an outlet. Brunch at the ''Ritz'' house beginning at 10 a.m. So let Cara know if you will be attending.
''Challenges aren't so bad if you look at them as stepping stones, not stumbling blocks.
Wishing Everyone a great week. Do something nice for yourself.

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