Monday, November 23, 2009

11-23-09.....It's Monday

"You can complain because roses have thorns or you can rejoice because thorns have roses."
Complaining.....just don't know why I would write about complaining due to I know none of us ever (wink) complain.
Just yesterday one of my neighbor's was already complain about the traffic on Shelbyville road. Insert most whiniest voice you can think of, and here is how it goes, ''We've not even had Thanksgiving and Shelbyville Road is packed as if it were Christmas Eve." Now with my being the very understanding person that I am (big time wink, wink, wink) I tried to be understanding, but all that I could come up with was, ''stay off Shelbyville Road". Best I could do.
Maybe I'm wrong, but Shelbyville Road being busy, could possibly mean the economy is picking up again, trust me that would be a good thing. The weather was great over the weekend, maybe some people just wanted to get out and enjoy these few days of nice weather. Whatever the reason, all that complaining was worthless, but think about it, isn't most complaining we do worthless?
Here we have been dreading the Bermuda Triangle, we have made it through the first section of the triangle, Halloween, we are getting really close to Thanksgiving. We have complained about the food pushers, we have complained about ourselves about not being able to ''just say no'', but you know what, does not matter, just like Shelbyville Road, the traffic in our lives, work and homes are going to still be there.
We have the things we do everyday, then we get a couple extra things thrown in due to the holiday's, could be houseguest, could be you are the one hosting the big meal this year. Those of you that work, and have to deal with all those people that insist they have a bowl of candy on their, tell that person, I need to put a post-it note on there, telling myself to stay way! Danger!!! lurks ahead. Then there is our homes, the one place we should be able to find refuge, but many times something is waiting on our doorstep before we even get there. It's called life, and that is what we need to celebrate, not the things that are going to go wrong each and every day, but LIFE, we are alive to enjoy the crazy stuff. The thorns.....traffic on Shelbyville Rd. the rose, you have a machine that can get you from point A to point B. The thorn....the damn candy bowl on your work associates desk.....the have a job. The thorn, things are crazy at home, everyone wanting something all at once and all right now.....the rose, you have a home, you have people that need you.
Today, celebrate your life. Today don't fret if your not perfect. Today, look for the roses, the thorns are easy to find.

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