"There are two choices, make progress or makes excuses."
If I had been the one to come up with the above quote I think maybe I'd want to remain ''Anonymous" as well. Talk about getting to the point. But, isn't it true.
Today is the same way, we still have those two choices. On Saturday our meeting was about ''breaking tradition.'' Yes, we are in the ''busy'' time of year, but come to think of it, when is it NOT a busy time of year? I know some of us have been tempted to say, ''think I'll just stop going to meeting's until after the holidays." DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm pretty sure each and everyone of us will over do it at some point these next few weeks where the food is concerned, but we can still track it, we can still get out and get in some exercise. Hey it has not rained yet, so if you still have leaves out there what a great way to get activity points.
Stressful time, that it is, so activity is a great stress reliever.
I am so thrilled when someone gets to their goal do the six weeks maintenance, and then become Lifetime. Another thing that thrills me is to see people return to Weight Watchers that had been MIA (Missing In Action) for awhile, and even more thrilling is for them to return just before the ''eating fest" begins. It gives me hope not only for them, but for myself as well. If that person can return with the hopes of not doing anymore damage than has already been done, then there is hope for me that I can make the right choice and proceed onto my next goal.
If your past holiday traditions have consisted of.....not worrying about what your eating, not tracking, missing your workouts, whether it's going to a gym or just doing your own thing. This year try something different, continue to track, maybe even get in a bit more activity. Maybe you need to get a walking buddy. Do what you need to do.
If your past holiday tradition has been to eat until you had to lay on the sofa like a beached whale, how about this year, we listen to our stomach's, and when they tell our brains, ''I've had enough", then let's stop right there. Let us try and remember to listen for the ''sigh".
The "sigh?" When your eating and all at one, you have this long breath come from you.........your done. Some of us have had a really hard time hearing that ''sigh'', but it's there, it just takes practice. Try slowing down your eating a bit, that will also help, but I am the first to admit, I am one of those that ''hunch over my plate as if I"m afraid someone is going to try and take food off of it and I shovel the food in.'' Not a pretty site, but I am getting better at this.
If other's want to help you clear the table, then let them, less chance of us still picking at the plates while the clean up is going on. It is all about choices, every single day, we get choices, the key is to be able to make the one that is best for us at that moment.
Yesterday I suggested writing down a daily goal. So today, write your goal, but also add ''what I chose to do for myself today" to that same list.
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