Sunday, January 3, 2010


Okay, call me a whimp, I don't care, but 9 degrees in Kentucky is just way too cold. Where is that Global warming I've been hearing about???? I could use some today.

One of my gal pals at Weight Watchers, informed us her little girl would be selling Girl Scout cookies, and she would really appreciate out buying some. So I emailed this friend, actually I hit the ''reply all'' button, and told everyone, ''Bob and I will be more than happy to buy cookies, but no way, no how will those things come into my house, I do even want to see them." Just take my check and do whatever you want to do with them. So, and I think this is just so great. One of my other gal pals suggested that all of us that do not want to have the cookies, we are sending the to the troops overseas. I love that idea. I don't have to deal with the cookies, and the troops get a taste of home.

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