Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Here we are the middle of the week, and almost the middle of the month. I have had a crappy week so far. Last week marked two weeks of my being off the sugar stuff, but then on Saturday afternoon for whatever reason I decided I deserved a treat. BIG MISTAKE!!!!!!! I have been fighting that sugar crap all week, and that is exactly how I feel, ''LIKE CRAP.'' Cannot blame anyone but myself, and the scale is showing how stupid I've been as well. So all that hard work I have been putting in before has been taken away from me due to I let myself stray back to my drug of choice...sugar.

So each day I have told myself, ''today is the day I will do better." Well, it has to be today, I cannot afford to screw around anymore. I set myself a new goal at the first of the year, and low and behold I seem to be getting further and further away from that goal.

I am still tracking, I am still going to the gym each morning, it is the eating that is out of control.

1 comment:

  1. Snap Joan!

    It is for me the eating that lets me down. I have tried to re programme my head about the food is the gas in the engine and all that but often after a really good work out I crave the "drug" of our choice!

    This week I am trying to eat only fruit to re programme my head and health. Then as you advised I am seeing my weight lose goals as small managable amounts. First Goal 11 pounds and heading there hopefully.

    Keep up the fighting spirit Joan

