Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.
Aldous Huxley
Good Morning Sister W.W.F.F.,
I saw this morning where Barbara has e-mailed about her husband having had emergency surgery. Barbara, know that you are in our thoughts and prayers, and we wish both you and your husband well. Remember to take care of yourself.
Cara, are you home yet??? Our Rhonda is off and running around for the next two weeks. Rhonda, be safe and have fun.
I for one am so glad yesterday is behind me. Have no clue if its, the weather, if its something eating at me that I just can't seem to put my finger on, it could be just the time of year, but yesterday Bob was being visualized with ''mayo, tomato and lettuce.'' I could not get enough food yesterday, and it was not due to being hungry. I got up went to the gym, and that could be part of it, due to we cannot use the pool at 5 a.m. like we had been able to. The pool will now open at 8 a.m., and as I voiced my discontent about that, letting them know in no uncertain terms, ''I get up at dark 30 due to that is the only time I can be at the gym.'' Of course that fell on deaf ears. I did go and get my cardio work in yesterday morning, came home did my daily stuff here before starting my real day. But, by 10 a.m., I began to graze, and never let up. To be quite honest, I just about bet I ate two weeks worth of bonus points yesterday.
Why do I tell you all this? Like the quote says, ''Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.'' I can ignore what happened yesterday all I want, but its not going to change anything. I had a bad day, and it lasted all day. I did go to the park and get in an extra walk yesterday, of course after the walk I came home and found something else to eat. I really hate days like this, and then while I am standing confessing my short comings to Bob he has the nerve to tell me, ''this is why your human. You are going to have times that your not good at this." Now that should have made me feel better, but you know what I was really looking for....right.....the negative. Did Bob miss the part where the next step was the need to feel even worse than I was? lol lol. Poor man, he just does not know how a compulsive person's brain works. lol lol.
So I have awaken this morning with renewed resolve and hope to try my best to made today a much better day than yesterday was, and oh yes today could very easily be worse than yesterday. It's a learning process, I am never going to be cured, I am going to have days or weeks, where I feel out of control, but this too shall pass.

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