Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Good Morning Sister W.W.F.F.,
Yesterday I was reading an article about looking back on how far you have come on your weight loss journey. Ever once in a while I look back to where I was this time last year to where I am today, and even though I at times still don't think I've done ''good enough'' (and that thinking depends on my frame of mind at the moment) I do know if I had just maintained for the year, I've done something amazing. In this article there were something like 13 ways to get your motivation back if you have lost it. Some of those ways were actually pretty good, some I felt as if the writer was just filling in space. So I wanted to share a few of those ideas with you this morning.
1. Lift the weight you have lost. My first thought was, ''I may be able to do that on the leg press machine, but lifting that much weight from the floor, do not think I am ready for that."
2. Make a promise to yourself. If we make a promise to someone else there is no way we will break that promise, but ever notice how we get up of the morning promising ourselves, ''today I am going to be the poster child for Weight Watchers, only by lunch time or even as early as mid morning we fall by the way side." We need to realize it is vital that we keep our promises to ourselves as well as to others we make promises to.
3. Dance. Who cares if you feel stupid dancing around the house by yourself. Think of the activity points you would be racking up as well as the calories your burning from not only moving, and the laughing you will be doing.
4. Get out your sexiest outfit. Have to tell you all, I do not own a ''sexie'' outfit, ha ha. But, that still does not mean you cannot find something you want to wear in your goal size, hang it up where you will see it daily, and visualize yourself wearing that outfit.
5. Look in the mirror. Looking in the mirror's had been something I avoided like the plague until I began to lose weight. Now there is not a mirror anywhere, that I do not stop and take a double take, still asking myself, ''who is that person?"
6. Chart your progress. Does not have to be scale related progress, even thought that is what we tend to measure our success with. Look for those N.S.V.'s that we talk about.
7. Attend your meeting. This one was not mentioned in the article I was reading, but to me, getting to our Weight Watchers meeting is very important where our success is concerned. I'm sure there are people out there who can walk this journey alone, but I am not one of those people. I need to know there are others out there with the same struggle. I took in the evening meeting at TJ on Monday, and a lady I chatted with before the meeting, said to me, ''I did not know you could go to other meetings." So if you are struggling, then maybe try taking in an extra meeting this week.
As you can see the things I have listed, are things we have heard over and over again. So pick one or more and give it a try. Work at getting motivated again.

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