"Success comes in cans, not cant's" Author Unknown
Good Morning Sister W.W.F.F.,
Success comes in cans, not cant's. My oh my what powerful words those are for us today. I think most of us when we began this weight loss journey, we went in with the attitude of, ''I can do this"! As the weeks went on the honeymoon began to fade, then we slipped into the ''I can't do this!" Now for me I actually came through the doors of Weight Watchers with the second statement on my mind. I did not, NO, I knew I could not, would not do this. I had it in my mind, ''great way to kill an hour on Saturday morning." Now is it not amazing just how things turn out.
We can do anything we want to. Come on, most of you all have had children, something which I think is just amazing, however, never wanted any part of that, just looks way to painful to me, but that does not matter, you have given life, you can rally around the family and friends when there is a crisis. When it comes to your kids, friends, and family, "one minute we could kill them, the next we will kill for them." So why is it so hard for us to believe we can be successful with our weight loss? It is all about what we let roam around in our heads, it's our attitude, it's that coming home from vacation after indulging in un-healthy foods, to find out just how much better we do feel when we eat right.
Each Saturday morning, we cheer for our brother's and sister's weight loss, we cheer for the awards they receive, but you know what we should cheer just as loudly even if we didn't have a good week, so what if the scale was up. We still showed up for the meeting! There is power in numbers, there is support in numbers. Most of us only see or hear from one another on Saturday's, but guess what, we know each other is out there throughout the week if we need to vent, if we need to say, ''HELP, I'VE FALLEN INTO A VAT OF CHOCOLATE FUDGE AND I DON'T WANT TO GET OUT!!!" We can be a success, no WE ARE ALREADY SUCCESSFUL CAUSE WE HAVE NOT GIVEN UP!!!!!!!!!!!
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