Friday, October 16, 2009


" Remember to stop and smell the roses."
Good Morning Sister W.W.F.F.,
This weeks topic is about taking care of ourselves. So what are some of the things you do to take care of yourself? There are some that are just obvious, such as eating right, exercise, getting plenty of rest, which is very important this time of year due to flu season. But what do you do that is fun for you? I think doing something fun, is as beneficial to our good health as the exercise, and eating right.
Our lives are so busy, we care for everyone around us, and we get put on the back burner. It is hard to put ourselves first, but if we don't take care of ourselves, we can't expect to take care of those that depend on us.
Since my trip to Oregon back in May, I have replaced watching TV with reading. Found an author that I really enjoy, and where I would watch TV before going to sleep at night, I have replaced that with reading. As soon as I get Bob ready for bed, the next 30-45 minutes are all mine, and I spend it reading. Never was a person that read more than a magazine article, or the newspaper, but I have found reading a book to be such a treat, and since it is something I enjoy then I am taking care of myself.
Losing excess weight, eating right, exercising, etc. is only the tip of the iceberg. We can do all those things, but if we forget to take some time to just re-charge our batteries, then being at the right weight, but being stressed out, is not going to do us much good.
So how about today, each of us something for ourselves. We are worth the effort.

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