Thursday, October 29, 2009


"I didn't get here by dreaming about it or thinking about it-I got here by doing it."
Estee Lauder
Good Morning Sister W.W.F.F.,
How many times have we had some event coming up, or we have to go somewhere that there will be people that have not seen us in awhile, and some of our thoughts are, ''wish I could be 20 pounds lighter." For some of you it may have never happened, but for me that thought crossed my mind more than I care to remember. Funny thing is, just thinking about losing weight just does not seem to work, unless of course you put your shoulder to the wheel and do a bit of pushing.
I just about bet if not today, by tomorrow and for sure by Saturday there will be some of us saying, ''if only I had stopped at my 35 bonus points on Sunday." I've said it before and I will repeat myself, ''indulgences are fine, if you can get back in control." I can never seem to get back in control after letting myself go for the weekend. Even while I was away I let myself go, and it has been a struggle to get myself back in control, but I have gotten myself back on track. However, this is not to say that I have not hit a few bumps in the road this week, but I do feel good about the choices I am making.
Yesterday I was at Target and the lady in front of me, was buying all these bags of candy. She was a large woman, and she was talking to the person in front of her, and I still think it was only cause that person was looking at the candy woman with eyes of, ''you don't need that." The candy buyer for whatever reason felt the need to explain why she was buying all this candy. It was for ''the office". I stood there waiting for my turn at the check out and my thought went right back to myself not long ago, when I was buying things that I did not need and felt the need to explain it to someone that gave me a discerning look. As I got to the van, the candy lady was in the row ahead of me, and I saw her opening a bag of the candy, and she was eating from it right then and there, and my thought was, ''if not for the Grace of God, and the support I get from my Weight Watcher Sister's and Friends that would be me." I felt sad for this woman cause I knew exactly how she had to be feeling. We struggle, and we do need to take it one day at a time, sometimes it's one minute at a time. The good news is we have each other to lean on. When we feel we can no longer continue this journey, we have our Sister Weight Watcher Friends to circle the wagons and help us fend off those negative thoughts and feelings. I'm not sure why I felt the need to share this story this morning, but I have wondered about that woman that bought the candy several times, and I know it was cause I could see myself in her.

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