"The food you eat today dictates the body you have tomorrow."
Good Sunday Morning Sister W.W.F.F.,
Perfect quote for a weekend I think. Ever notice when we are eating healthier just how much better we really do feel? Then we decide to splurge a bit, and the next thing you know we have that bloated beached whale feeling. Do we do this because we think it is going to be different? For me, I do it cause I am thinking how good this or that is going to taste, but then as I said, I have to deal with the aftermath of what I have eaten. Being bloated, heart palpitations, breathing like I just ran five miles, not pretty.
I am so envious of anyone that can have the ice cream treats or whatever it is that you knew you would never, ever be able to give up. I struggle with this each and every weekend. As soon as we have our weigh in, I set there thinking, ''now, what is it I'd love to have today?" Many things come to my mind, but I have learned, that I cannot give into those urges cause when I do, it's last for the whole week. I hit that cycle, ''eat, beat myself up, eat some more, more self loathing, eat some more, etc." It is true, there is not anything we cannot have on this plan, but there are some of us, that know for ourselves there are something's we have to just stay away from, otherwise, we are going to fall off that wagon with a thud heard around the Weight Watchers world. But, you know what? That is okay, it's okay that some of us can't control some of our favorite foods, it's okay that we stumble and fall. I think if we make good healthy choices 80% of the time, then we are ahead of the game.
I have been missing several of our e-mail pals at the meeting's for quite sometime. No, I won't call you out here, but I always wonder, just how you are doing. Do you feel as if you have fallen so far from the wagon that its taken off and left you? Maybe its family stuff going on. No matter what is going on in our lives, we have to remember we need to take care of ourselves. As Jennifer stated yesterday, ''I feel my Saturday morning's here are for me, a time to get together with friends." That is exactly how I feel as well, that is my time. I even put a note on Mr. Bob's pills, reminding him, ''do not take these until 8:30." I know I will be home by 9 a.m. and we will be fine. My meeting and getting together with my Sister Weight Watcher Friends Forever, is the thing I do for myself. So if any of you....and you know who you are......have not been to our meeting in awhile, come on back, I want you to know you are missed.
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