Things are always at their best in the beginning.
Good Morning Sister W.W.F.F.,
Just a reminder we will NOT be having Weight Watchers this Saturday, July 4th.
Hope everyone's week has been going well. Now I ask you, "just how true is the above quote?" I think that quote hits the nail right on the head with just about everything we do.
Remember when you first got married? Oh my gosh, everything was wonderful, the things your new husband did were just so cute and sweet. Well heck that sure did last long especially after he left the toilet seat up for the millionth time. Or he never put anything back where it should be. It is the same with our weight loss journey and exercising programs.
As we talked about on Saturday, when we first joined Weight Watchers, we were spending hours in the grocery store, reading labels, checking points, and those that had more points than we really needed got put right back on the shelves. We by-passed the candy, potato chip and ice cream isles. When we got home we would either get the little baggies out and dole out the right portions, knowing that the amount was only 1 or 2 points per serving, and that serving was 1/2 maybe 1 cup, and we actually used that measuring cup.
Oh and we would look in other peoples carts and if they had the chips, dips, pepperoni sticks, etc. we would shake our heads and go alone on our smug little way, thinking the whole time, ''those poor fools".
We got all holier than thou about our exercise, wondering ''what is wrong with people who don't get up and get some activity." We would see someone at a fast food drive thru and feel the urge to go drag them away. Yes, we were all quite happy and snobbish in the beginning.
Then it happened!!! We got tired, we began by stop reading the labels, we stopped coming home and doling out the correct portion size, we would now look in others carts and say, ''oh my, I need to have some of that too."
We began to sleep in. It was too early to go get in any activity, it was too hot, it was too cold, oh wait, I'll do it later.
Answer to all of this on what happened. WE GOT LAZY!!!! Sorry, that happens to all of us. Our thoughts turn to, "I need just a little break", and I can so believe that, but its been my experience that little breaks leads to more little breaks, until all of a sudden you are now not only fore going the label reading, the weighing and measuring, the activity, but we stop showing up for the meetings.
Not long ago I would have looked at the 4th of July as ''oh this is so great, I don't have to weigh in for two whole weeks, so I am going to do this, I am going to eat that, THEN, I'll get right back on track." Oh my how many times I have fooled myself with that line of thinking, only for that missed week to turn into something that went on for months.
Since January, I have been treating my weight loss journey as ''the beginning". I found out that its the only way this will work for me. I have to be focused at all times, and yes, that ''lazy Joan" is still out there, but the "I want to succeed Joan" has been able to keep slapping her back. It is hard, cause there are so many days that I just want to stay in bed, and not go to the gym. There are lots of days, I'd give my right arm for someone to take care of Bob. Then the reality sets in, if I sleep in, when I wake up, I'll be mad at myself for not doing what I know makes me feel better. If someone else was taking care of Bob, trust me, it would not be done correctly, ha . So I/we move on.
So how is your journey going for you. Do you need to begin at the beginning again? Do you need to get back to that ''honeymoon" stage? Remember, the choice is up to you, and how many more times are you going to say, ''I'll get back on track after this holiday?"
Have a wonderful day,
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