How close are you to where you want to be?
Good Morning Sister W.W.F.F.,
To begin with I want to wish Lisa S. a wonderful safe trip. Lisa S. and her daughter leaver early tomorrow for a trip to Hawaii. Okay, I'm jealous, but I'll get over it, so have a wonderful time.
Also our Lisa B. hum, seems to be a ''Lisa" week going on here. Is off to California with her oldest daughter to begin college life. Let's send up special prayers for both of our ''Sister's" that their journey's will be safe.
How close are you to where you want to be in this weight loss journey? Have you allowed something to get in your way? Or have you allowed someone to get in your way? For many of us we have been coming to Weight Watchers for a long time, some of us its not the first time, and for some of us it won't be the last time.
I think if we are not where we want to be in our weight loss journey, then we should examine the reasons why. If ''something" has gotten in your way, maybe its health related. I look back and in the almost 4 years I've been doing Weight Watchers, I had to have procedures on both my legs for bad veins, then last year, there was the hip replacement and then a few months later the knee replacement. It would have been so very easy for me to have thrown up my hands and stopped right then. But I made the choice to move on from that ''something."
Maybe we have allowed ''someone" to take the joy we were experiencing about our weigh loss journey. Maybe we feel we have to prepare two different meals, one that is points friendly for us, and one the rest of the family will be happy with. As you all know I DO NOT cook separate meals anymore. If the family is coming over for dinner then they eat what I'm going to eat. So many of the recipes from the Weight Watchers cookbooks and from the online e-tools, are not bland, and unless you tell people they have no clue that it is even healthy.
Has it been someone, that has taken the joy from you. Has it been someone that you thought would lift you up, someone that would stand by your side, have they let you down? If this is the case, I say for your own well being, ''take your joy back!" Remember, no one can make you feel bad about yourself unless you allow them too. So I say don't allow that too happen. Take your control back. There will be things on a daily basis fly up to try and derail us, but do not allow another person have that kind of power over your life.
Maybe you have even thought, ''What's the use? I should just stop coming to meeting." Well, let's look at that, isn't that what we all have done at some point, and is that not why we are back at the meetings. One thing I know and that is this....we are so blessed to have a group as strong as we are, we give support and we receive support. We celebrate with one another when the good stuff happens, and we weep with one another when the bad things happen. So the way I see it, even though we are not (at least some of us are not blood related) we are still family. If one of this family quits for whatever the reason, then we feel the loss as if it was a true death.
If you are not where you want to be right now, then I suggest you take some time and think about just why your not where you want to be. I also say, move whatever it is that is trying to stand in your way, and never ever allow anything or anyone to take your joy away.
Wishing Everyone A great Week,
Much Love,
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