Weight Watchers Meeting 2007
Good Morning Dear W.W.F.F.,
How many times have we said to ourselves, ''tomorrow, I'll do better". Beginning Monday, yeah, that is the day I really get serious. Just in case you missed the memo....tomorrow is here and Monday was yesterday. :>)
If I had lost a pound for every time I have used the phrase, ''Tomorrow will be better", I would weigh 90 pounds. We all have good intentions, and we are not bad people due to, we just can't get our head around what we need to be doing to get to our ultimate goal.
We can either continue to play with the 3-5-or10 pounds that keep haunting us, or we can get our heads removed from our butts, and get down to some serious work. Trust me, I speak from experience, "wishing it away does not work".
Now I am going out on a limb here, and I don't want to ruffle any feathers, but there is not a doubt in my mind that ever single one of us can find time during the day to get in activity. We can find time to plan our menu's. 30 minutes of exercise does not have to be done all at one time, break it up, do 3-10 minutes, hey get up early with me. There is nothing that great on TV, so put those shoes on and get out and breath some fresh air. You will be amazed how much better you will feel, and it clears the thinking.
I know that a lot of people think, ''oh she can do this cause she doesn't have a real job". Have to say this, ''a 9-5 job would be a vacation for me". I cannot tell you all have many time I have used Bob as my excuse for not getting my rear in gear and doing what I needed to be doing.
So here to are. Tomorrow is here, and Monday is gone. Time to get down to some serious work.
Wishing Everyone a Great Day,
Joan 3rd. Row
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