I don't care what team you pull for, we all have to be very, very proud of the Lady Cards, they went all the way. How exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fail to Plan......Plan to Fail
Good Morning W.W.F.F.
To begin with I welcomed Mary and Emily here yesterday, but I'm pretty sure Mary Mac didn't get the e-mail due to I did not enter it correctly in my address book. Sorry about that Mary, so hope today this one gets to you.
I had a different quote ready for this morning, but when I saw the Lady Cards won the tournament, I remembered at several meetings the above quote has been used, and since we are coming upon another ''eating'' weekend or at least Easter Sunday, thought it would be a good quote to use.
It's not too early to begin to plan our attack on what foods we will and will not eat on Easter Sunday. I'm in good shape due to I'll be the one doing the cooking and there will only be three of us here for Easter Dinner, and all the leftovers will go home with Marc. So my plan is much easier than most, and I don't have to deal with what someone else is preparing.
Now with all that being said, it is not just the holidays and special occasions we have to plan, we need to, and really have to, plan every single day so we don't hit the pot holes, detours, and drop offs on our weight loss journey. Planning,Being prepared, & Moderation is the key to this whole eating thing. We have to eat, but we really need to take the idea of ''EATING TO LIVE", not as I have done all my life, ''LIVED TO EAT" and put it to work for us.
So plan ahead, get in attack mode. DO NOT let one meal turn into a lifetime. (Thanks Becky, I love that quote).
Wishing everyone a great day.
Joan 3rd. Row
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