Friday, April 24, 2009

Reality Chek

Good Morning W.W.F.F.,
Rhonda and her husband are going away this weekend. Rhonda we will miss you, but hope you both have a wonderful time.
Toni, you will be missed as well, but I am making you a promise ''we will be good to Jennifer". Now you know how hard that promise was for me to make. ha.
Our Michele continues on the road to recovery, we are so happy about that. Like I always say, ''can't keep a good woman down long".
Mama Clare are you home yet??????????? All your adopted children here are missing you.
So how has everyone's week been? Did you get in your water? Did you weigh and measure your food? Did you have a Plan? How about the activity? How did we do on that front this week?
These are all the questions I am asking myself by this time of week. There was a time not too long ago the answer to all the above questions would have been a great big NO, NO, NO, NO, NO. Funny how things can change when you want them to change.
I want to come clean here. I have never been a jealous person. I think jealousy is such a wasted emotion, but setting in our w.w. meeting when so many each week were getting 5# stars, losing weight each week, even making it to being a lifetime member. What I though was just me thinking, "yeah, they are new, it won't last long". That was actually ''Joan being jealous". Never even thought about this until something was said to me yesterday, and even though I could have and another time would have handled what was said in a very different way. I realized this person was jealous of my success.
Now don't everyone begin thinking, was it this one, that one, oh was it me? No my friends, it was no one any of you even know. So everyone is safe . My point is, this person made me look at myself and the way I had felt when others were working their butts off (pun) doing all those things they knew they were suppose to do. While I sat back and ate my pint of Ben & Jerry's, while I ate half of Bob's Russell Stover's, while he was sleeping. Heck yeah, I had every right to be jealous, it wasn't my fault. Or was it??
Success is wonderful, but it can also be a little dangerous. There are times I know I get caught up in myself, especially when I am buying clothes in sizes that I used to think were so un-reachable. There is also this fear in me of, ''when is all going to stop"? Well, it will stop only if I allow it to, and if that day does come, my plan is to be setting there in my w.w. meeting on Saturday morning, cheering all those on, who are working hard, and getting their star's and the chance to write their name on the big poster board. Stay Strong.
Wishing Everyone a Great Day,
Joan 3rd. Row

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