Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Which Direction are you going??

Good Morning W.W.F.F.,
To begin with today I want to wish Michele the best . She is having surgery around noon, so let's all send up some good vibes for her today. We hope to see you back on Saturday morning real soon.
Also want welcome Kathy this morning. Kathy is a friend of our Lisa (Love's wife), and any friend of our Lisa's is sure to become a friend to us. Welcome Kathy, we hope to inspire you, make you laugh a bit, and hopefully give you food for thought.
Want to give Wisconsin Sally a GOOD LUCK today. Sally has her weigh in today.
I am in hopes I get an e-mail from the Active.com people today telling me just what it is that is not allowing us to find our walking group. I will forward the reply I get to everyone as soon as I hear something.
Love this morning's quote since we are getting our walking group together. Cara & Lisa B. walked at lunch yesterday, you girls rock. I was on my last lap around the Mall, so I called Jenny as she was on her way out the door, and Jenny and I walked a bit together via the cell phones. Great way to catch up with people...multi-tasking.
Derby is upon us, so there will no doubt be Derby parties, food, Oaks parties, food, whatever and food. Notice that food is all around us. Remember to have fun, and not around the buffet table. Get your plan of attack together. Never too soon to begin working on ways to have a fun time at all these parties and not ending the party with, ''I can't believe I ate the whole thing".
I received an e-mail from a friend yesterday asking me, ''what happened that got you all fired up and losing weight"? I don't have an answer for that. All I can say is whatever happened, I'm sure glad it did. Now don't get me wrong, I'm doing my part. I've upped my activity, I'm tracking, counting EVERYTHING that I eat, and I measure my food, no more of that eye balling it. Maybe I just began really using the tools we all have been given.
All I know for sure is, I am facing in the right direction and I am going to keep walking, I have a goal to get to. Come walk with me.
Wishing Everyone a great day,
Joan 3rd. Row

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