You will never plough a field if you only turn it over in your mind.
Irish Proverb
Good Morning Sister W.W.F.F.,
I hope everyone has been paying attention to our 3rd, row Lisa, she is really getting it with the activity this week. WAY TO GO SISTER LISA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today I will pick on 3rd. row Lisa a bit, only cause she is doing so great, but here is a perfect example of today's quote. Lisa has put her thinking into action by picking up some loaned exercise video's on Saturday and using them this week. She IS ploughing that field for real.
We all have times where we think about doing things, but there always seems to be something that gets in our way. Right now I bet one of the reasons some might not exercising is due to the hot weather. Trust me I don't like hot weather, so I get up way before the sun even thinks about waking up and I go to the gym. In today's world we don't have to sweat like we have had a tub of water poured over us. We have gyms that in my case as of Tuesday there was no hot water for showers, so you sure did not have to worry about getting too warm. Yes, its been hazy, hot & humid, but we have Malls for walking that are nice and cool. Also if you are up later than I am go out for that walk after the sun goes down. Of course pick a safe place to take that walk. We have talked about using things around the house for resistance exercise, using cans of vegetables as hand weights. If we just think about it there are so many ways to get in some exercise without having to spend money or even leave the house. You will be amazed at just how many steps you can get on your pedometer by just everyday walking around your house.
It is fine to think about doing something, but to really get your hands dirty, you have to actually put forth the effort to make it happen.
Wishing everyone a wonderful day.
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