Thursday, June 11, 2009


Stanislaw Lew
Good Morning Sister W.W.F.F.,
Right now our gal Cara is on the sidelines, and I know she's feeling pretty down about that, but this is a time that she needs to be sitting this one out. Cara is one of "those people", that exercising is the start of her day. So Cara try and sit back and take it easy for awhile, and let your foot heal and Sweetie, count your blessings, and those blessings are not in the chocolate chips. :)
Here I sit while drinking my coffee trying to wake up, all the while listening to the thunder that is going on outside. Not long ago the sound of thunder would have been my ''excuse" for rolling over and going right back to sleep instead of getting up and getting ready for the gym. A few months ago I would not have even needed an excuse NOT to go to the gym. Now all that has changed, and if I have to miss a day of ''planned'' activity, I feel as if something is completely gone wrong with the universe.
I have heard people say ''when I don't exercise my whole day is off." To that I always thought, ''boy, do you need to get a life." Funny thing is, they always had the life, it was me who had no life.
Yesterday was a super busy day and it was one that was stressful for me, and it was compounded by my not sleeping well the night before. I did get up and go to the gym. Yesterday was my elliptical day, and I did my 55 minutes on the machine, and there were times I just wanted to stop, I just wanted to get off there and not workout. However, it seems everytime I feel this way the "Man upstairs" puts something in my line of sight where I get the message. Yesterday morning when I was thinking to myself, ''you know I'm just going to do maybe 30 minutes and that is it, I'm tired, I don't want to do anymore". As that thought went through my mind, I look up and here comes this man, that by the way I've seen at our gym several times, but the thing about this guy is, not only does he get around on crutches, BUT, he has only one leg.
This man is not at the gym everyday, but it has seemed to me that this man shows up everytime, I am ready to stop, and not give it my all. I have never spoken to this man, I have no idea why he is missing a leg, all I do know is this...when I have those feelings of wanting to quit, and I look up and see this man coming in on his crutches, I am so ashamed of myself that I was willing to ''wimp'' out, that I was willing NOT to give it my best. Here I have two fairly good legs and just because I am tired, I was willing to short change myself.
There never seems to be enough time in a given day to get all the things done that we feel need to be done, but don't cheat yourself out of the time to get some exercise in.
Today, look for ways to get in some exercise, maybe it will be no more than parking further away in the parking lot. If your talking on the phone, get the portable one and walk and talk, and I'm sure you all can come up with more ways to get in some more activity.
We may limp, but its still a walk going on there.
Wishing everyone a wonderful day,
Stay Strong,

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