Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Have you chosen your goal?

This one step-choosing a goal and sticking to it-changes everything.'
Scott Reed
Good Morning Sister W.W.F.F.,
Here we are again, in the middle of the week and only three days until we get on that scale again. Hope everyone's week has been going well so far.
Lisa T. ''YOU ROCK'', with using those exercise tapes. We want to send a shout out and add some good vibes to our Cara for here visit with the Ortho today. Cara, we all wish you the best and hope whatever has your foot bothering you, the Ortho will have some answers this time.
Just in case you all have not been noticing we are on a ''goal theme'' this week. So why change things now, let us talk some more about our goals, and you never know it maybe time to change those goals around a bit.
When you have done Weight Watchers for as long as most of us have, we can fall into a rut, with our eating, our activity, and oh yes, even our goals. I think we have to have a goal to work toward, does not matter if it has nothing at all to do with weight loss. Even when we begin to do Spring house cleaning, our goal is to get it finished, not stopping until every single one of those Winter Cobwebs have been swept out of the corners.
Same deal with our weight loss journey, we set a goal weight to get to, but what do we do after that goal is met? I have actually heard people that have made it to Lifetime membership ask the question, after they have gone through maintenance, ''what am I suppose to be working toward now?" I have wondered about that as well, and the only thing I have been able to come up with is, ''my goal will be staying within the set goal weigh range."
So many people that have made it to Lifetime member status, get their six weeks maintenance in, and then maybe the first month or two we see them for that once a month weigh in, but then they begin not to come and weigh in. So many times this is just a recipe for disaster, for putting those pounds back on. Does not matter that they weight every single day in the privacy of their own home, and there is a really good chance they see that scale creeping up, and they promise themselves, ''I'll go back to Weight Watcher and weigh-in as soon as I get back down to goal." We have all heard the stories, ''I put on 5 pounds, I thought I could get it off before coming back, then it turned to 10,then 20 and so on and so on."
We have a wonderful group of Lifetime members here, and they show up every Saturday morning, they have become my anchors, as well as my mentors. Does not mean I love those of us that are not as of yet at Lifetime status, but having such a group of Lifetime member there each and every Saturday, goes to show us, ''WE CAN DO THIS, AND WE CAN BE SUCCESSFUL, BUT, WE STILL NEED THOSE MEETINGS EACH AND EVERY WEEK!"
Have any of you ever been to an AA meeting? I have and just recently it came to me just why those meetings are so packed, these people want to stay sober, and they know they cannot do it without those meetings. Yes, they have a sponsor, someone to call when they are ready to dive into that glass, but you know we have that opportunity as well. Sometimes we just need to hear someone say, ''I am here if you need to talk". Sometime that is all that lies between our getting to our goal and staying there.
Maybe a goal change could be, ''before I jump into that half gallon of ice cream, I am going to go for a walk, or call a friend." Change is good, and sometime that is all we need is just a little tweaking.
Wishing everyone a great day.
Stay Strong,

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