Monday, June 1, 2009

Do just a little extra.

Do a Little more each day than you think you possibly can. Lowell Thomas

Good Morning Sister W.W.F.F.,

I hope everyone had a good weekend. The weather yesterday was just about perfect.

Today is my first day back to the gym since my vacation. Today will actually make three weeks since I have been to the gym, but that does not mean I have not been getting in my activity.

The above quote seem to hit home for me when I was thinking about the gym. I thought of the elliptical and how when I first began using it, I began at only 1 minute and thought I might just die from that. When I was able to do a whole 15 minutes, well you would have thought I had just ran the Boston Marathon. <360.gif>

I think our weight loss journey is the same way, we have to go just a bit further each day just to test ourselves. Of course that can also backfire if we decided, ''well, I ate this or that this past week and still lost, so let me see if I can do it again this week". I have seen that get others in trouble real quick, and I have also fallen into that trap from time to time as well. We just have to remember to push ourselves a bit harder for the good things.

Maybe its tracking, if you did not track over the weekend, then how do you know if you have any of your 35 bonus points leftover? If you did not measure out that 1/2 cup of frozen yogurt, then how sure are you that it was really not a full cup? We even have to push ourselves to do better with the things that sometimes do not seem important.

Pushing ourselves to do just a little more each day. In the long run of things it is all worth the effort we put into whatever it is we want to achieve.

Wishing Everyone a Great Day,
Hugs to all,

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