Tuesday, March 31, 2009

03-31-09.....What's your excuse??

Florence Nightingale, English Pioneer of Modern Nursing
Good Morning Dear W.W.F.F.,
Great quote. I bet each one of us could come up with at least 10 excuses we have had at one time or another for just about anything. Not to mention the 15 alone that we have used on our weight loss journey.
Now that I think about it and look back, all my excuses were just prolonging what would have been so much easier just to go ahead do the things I am suppose to do, and move on. I have a few of my excuses I want to share with everyone this morning. Lets see if any are familiar.
1. Today is Saturday, after my weight in, I'm going to go buy me a treat....probably ice cream or something sweet.
2. Hum, here it is Wednesday, and I'm still buying the ice cream????
3. Well, no one is seeing me eat this, so it won't count. (my all time favorite)
4. My whole family is overweight, so that will be my life as well.
5. I hardly eat a think, so how come I can't lose weight?
6. You know that Weight Watcher stuff may work for some, but it sure does not work for me.
I gave you all six here, but trust me I could come up with 26 of my old time, full proof excuses. When I say full proof, I had convinced only myself. Who else did I need to convince??
Lets make today the DAY OF NO EXCUSES!!!!!!!! Yeah, its Spring Break for a lot of people, yes, it vacation time, but do any of us really want to risk going backwards? Enjoy yourself, but don't go crazy. Crazy is not a good thing.
Tracking, Activity, Eating Healthy, and when you need to ask for help. Wishing everyone a great day.
Joan 3rd. Row
p.s. Thanks Sally, Rhonda, Dana, Jana & Randy for stopping in and checking out my blog.
Feel free to see my blog site at:

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