Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2009 5:24 AM
Subject: Thursday
Good Morning Dear Weight Watcher's Friends,
WOW, its Thursday already, ladies, for the most of us we have two days until our Saturday weigh in. So hope everyone is staying focused and doing all those things we know we need and have to do to stay on top of our game.
Finish Strong. This was two words said to me the other day and I kept thinking, these words are great. All of us from time to time have days/weeks/even months when we and that scale are just not ''being one". Now with that being said, our second, third and fourth rows always make a strong showing. By showing (and I know you all know this), we never give up, we keep coming back to our rows whether its been a good week, a really bad week or one that if the low fat Big Cheese in New York had actually been with us would have passed out. We are there, not just for ourselves, but as Lisa B. has said many time, ''I couldn't let my row down".
I always loved that, due to I believe when we are not letting our ''row'' down, we are also not letting ourselves down.
So Finish Strong....there is a beginning, middle, but with our health its a never ending battle, so ladies, our war cry is FINISH STRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!
See everyone on Saturday.
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