Friday, March 27, 2009

Changing your thoughts.

Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2009 4:24 AM
Subject: Thursday

Change your thoughts and you change your world. Norman Vincent Peale
Good Morning My Dear W.W.F.F. (Weight Watcher Friends Forever),
First off I want to welcome a new member to our e-mail group. Gloria is a friend of Edi's. Gloria we hope you enjoy our early morning babble.
I thought of the above quote yesterday when I was having our van services. One of the ladies down at the place we go had not seen me in quite sometime, and the first words out of her mouth was, ''Joan, have you been sick"? So after the van was taken back she and I sat down and she was wanting to know just "What have you done, you look great, BUT, your so thin". Lord, people are telling me now I"m thin, what is up with that?
So of course I told her about doing Weight Watchers, and what a great group of women and support I have in this group. Told her our leader was just the best....Yeah, Toni, kissing up here, :>) I did all of this just to hear these thing.......
Most people that I've know that have done Weight Watchers put all their weight back on.
You just have to give up so much stuff.
I just don't have the time for meetings.
Her list continued on and on. Before I left I did invite this lady to just come out on Saturday morning and give us a try. Of course Saturday morning is when she sleeps in. Then I found the quote, and it was probably not meant as a Weight Watcher tool, but is it not true?
Change your thoughts and you change your world. We have to get rid of what I like to call, ''STINKIN' THINKIN''. Change is hard to do, but if its the right change its wonderful.
Wishing everyone a great day.
See U Lighter on Saturday,

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