Sent: Monday, March 09, 2009 4:22 AM
Subject: Monday
Good Morning My W.W.F.F.,
Hope everyone had a great weekend, you just couldn't beat it weather wise. Hope you all were able to at least enjoy part of the weather outside.
Wanted to report that Sally did make it home safely yesterday afternoon. Sally as always it was so good to have you around.
Now what will today's topic be about??? Determination. When we begin something whether it is a weight loss program, exercise program, or hey about Spring cleaning. We are always in the beginning so determined that we are going to see the job through. I think Toni refers to this as the Honeymoon stage. Then we have things pop up, it maybe something as simple as a friend calling to ask us to go have lunch. My first thought was always, ''oh no, I know I'm going to over do it", and I would, never failed, I would over do it, then what is the point in trying to stay focused the rest of the day? This is where the DETERMINATION comes in. Hey go out and eat. I was thinking last night, I have been out to eat three times since the first of the year. I know, I know, not many times to eat out, but I have never been real big on eating out. Anyway, in December when I was ready to quit Weight Watchers, if I had gone to eat out, I would have ordered everything off the menu and then followed it up with the dessert cart. The three times I've been to eat out this year, have all been different. I made GOOD choices, I knew before I got there what I was going to have, and I made sure when I was satisfied, if I had that ''sigh" or not, I pushed the plate out of the way and as soon as I could I got it off the table so I would not be picking at it. I was DETERMINED not to chance having to say again, ''well, I've already messed up might as well wait until tomorrow to start again". Ever notice in the past how the tomorrow's and Monday's never seem to get here when it comes to our beginning and sticking with a healthy eating plan?
I want to challenge everyone today, if your sick and tired of the same old cycle of starting and stopping or getting side tracked, then get the DETERMINATION you need to get where you want to go. I have all the faith in the world in all of us, we can do this, but we have to want it like we have never wanted anything else.
Wishing everyone a great day. I am off to the gym. Just hope the girls that open the gym have reset their clocks to show the new time change. AWWW.
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