Thursday, March 26, 2009

Fw: Wednesday

Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 5:19 AM
Subject: Wednesday

Good Wednesday Morning My Weight Watchers Friends,
Here we are half way through the week.  Hope everyone had a good eating/exercising/tracking day yesterday.  Now if you didn't that is not a problem due to ''TODAY IS DO OVER DAY"!!!!!!!  Today we get that second chance to start all over.  Nothing we can do about any mistakes, flip-ups or just plain flops we may have had to deal with yesterday.  So let us forget about yesterday, and move right on into today, and TODAY is what counts.
Take today, one meal at a time, one thought at a time, today we may have to return to baby steps, but you know what Ladies, TODAY we can do this.  Why?   BECAUSE WE ARE SO WORTH THE EFFORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now lets get out there and let us show just how good we are.
Have a great day.
Coach Joan from the 3rd row, on her way to defeat the elliptical.  :>)

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